Spring Music Immersion & the 2nd annual
Boston Civic Symphony feat. Nantucket Youth!

The NCMC is pleased to present the spring music immersion & the 2nd annual boston civic symphony concert featuring nantucket youth!

We have partnered with the Lighthouse School, the Nantucket New School, and Nantucket Public Schools (in partnership with the Nantucket Community School) to bring five world class musicians to Nantucket for a month-long residency during May. The Residents will teach in each of the schools and provide free private lessons to interested students. In this first of its kind project, all Nantucket school kids between 2nd and 8th grade will have direct instruction and exposure to these professional musicians in a program that is consistent across all schools.

Then, on June 2, we are pleased to present the 2nd Annual Boston Civic Symphony Concert featuring Nantucket Youth! The 70+ musicians of the BCS will perform at the Nantucket High School Auditorium, joined on stage by our own Nantucket Youth!

More that half of the tickets for the concert are free, but please do consider purchasing one of the preferred seats to help support this important initiative and promote music education on Nantucket. Also available are tickets to a special reception at 56 Centre Street after the concert to meet Maestro Francisco Noya, members of the BCS, and fellow supporters of music education on Nantucket.

The 2nd Annual Boston Civic Symphony Concert feat. Nantucket Youth will be held on June 2nd at 3pm in the High School Auditorium. Click here for tickets, or select from the map below.